Tea Workshop
The Perfect Blend
Descrição do serviço
Tee Workshop The perfect blend 2h 77€ Let’s bring life to the teas that complete our Tea House. With our Workshop we invite you to deeply explore the fascinating Tee world. You will be guided by the Tee Sommelier, Nélia Alves, that will provide you an afternoon where the most beautiful plants and weedy hood get involved, to give life to this magical world of tea. We created this “Perfect Blend” and together with Parque Ribeira Primeira you can taste and appreciate, as well as, develop your knowledge in the different kinds of tee. Furthermore, learn how to prepare your own tee and get to know more about its benefits for your health. We also offer you an unforgettable experience in the Tee world, a trip to the past filled with knowledge. “Camellia Sinensis” tee plant: Where grows; Main features; Properties; Benefits; Harvest and processing; The different kinds/typed of teas and its charateristics; Blends; Infusions and tisanas; Rooibos/ Honeybush; Tee preparation and service: tasting 5 different types os teas combined with food; Sensorial and olfactory factos and explanation with a skill test. Exemplification techniques of “maridaje”. We will relax sharpen our senses and let the body and mind be delighted with this trip. Book now.
Sessões futuras
Informações de contato
Parque Ribeira Primeira, Portugal
+ 291 622 891
Tlf: 291 622 891
Caminho Levada da Serra do Faial Santo António da Serra, Nº 77, 9100-249, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal
©2019 by Parque Ribeira Primeira